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GMERS Medical College,GMERS Medical College


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Staff Information

Dr. Divyeshkumar Laljibhai Prajapati  (Physiology)

Name : Dr. Divyeshkumar Laljibhai Prajapati
Mobile Number : 8141003354
Email ID :
Blood Group B+ve
Designation : Assistant Professor
Department : Physiology
Qualification : MD (Physiology)
UG : G-43450
PG : G-19608
Joining Date : 20/06/2023
Total Teaching Expereince 11 years 6 months
Extra Details 1 :
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Publication Details :
  1. Divyesh LPrajapati, Chintan V Parmar, Pradnya A Gokhale, Hemant B Mehta: Non-InvasiveMeasurement Of Cardiac Parameters In Outpatient Department, Internationaljournal of Basic and applied Physiology, 2017; 6(1).

  2. Chintan V Parmar,Divyesh L Prajapati, Pradnya A Gokhale, Hemant B Mehta, Chinmay J Shah:  Study Of Arterial Parameters In DiabetesMellitus Using Impedance Plethysmography (IPG),International journal ofBasic and applied Physiology, 2017; 6(1).

  3. Divyesh L Prajapati,Chintan V Parmar, Pradnya A Gokhale, Hemant B Mehta, Chinmay J Shah: Non-InvasiveAssessment Of Blood Flow Index In Healthy Volunteers Using ImpedancePlethysmography (IPG), International Journal of Medical and Health Science,2013; 2(1).

  4. Chetan B Desai, DivyeshL Prajapati, Pradnya A Gokhale, Hemant B Mehta, Chinmay J Shah, Tejas PGhuntla: Effect Of Prolonged Mental Activity On Auditory Reaction Time InYoung Healthy Subjects, International journal of Basic and appliedPhysiology, 2012; 1(1).

  5. Chintan V Parmar,Divyesh L Prajapati, Pradnya A Gokhale, Hemant B Mehta, Chinmay J Shah: StudyOf Impedance Cardiography (ICG) In Hypertensive Patients, InternationalJournal of Physiological Science, 2012;4(2).

  6. Chintan V Parmar,Divyesh L Prajapati, Pradnya A Gokhale, Hemant B Mehta, Chinmay J Shah: AStudy Of Cardiac Parameters Using Impedance Plethysmography (IPG) In HealthyVolunteers, Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology Advances, 2012, 2(11).

  7.       Chintan V Parmar,Divyesh L Prajapati, Pradnya A Gokhale, Hemant B Mehta, Chinmay J Shah: StudyOf Cardiac Output Based On Non – Invasive Impedance Plethysmography In HealthyVolunteers, Innovative Journal of Medical and Health Science, 2012, 2(5). 
Conference Workshop Details :

•Annual conference of RSSDI 2019 (ResearchSociety for the study of Diabetes in India) during 16th–17th March 2019 atGMERS Medical College, Himatnagar organized by North Gujarat PhysicianAssociation, Gujarat.

•Workshop on Cardio-vascular research on 23 September 2016 at Gujarat Forensicscience university, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

•Workshop on Basic Course in Sleep Medicine (BCSM) on 27th and 28th February2015 at Government Medical College, Bhavnagar, Gujarat.

•2nd international conference on basic and applied physiology (ICONBAP-2013)during 22-23 December 2013 at SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan.

•1st international conference of basic and applied physiology (ICONBAP-2012)during 22 to 23 December 2012 at Nirma university, Organized by B.J.M.C.,Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

•Pre-conference Workshop on Electromyography-Nerve conduction velocity(EMG-NCV) and Impedance Plethysmography (IPG) on 20th and 21 December 2012 at1st international conference of basic and applied physiology (ICONBAP-2012)during 20-21 December 2012 at Department of Physiology, Govt. Medical College,Bhavnagar, Gujarat.

•National Yoga Week -2012 “Theme- Yoga for Holistic Personality Development” atMorarji Desai National Institute of Yoga (MDNIY), New Delhi, India.

•C.M.E. on Biostatistics on 25th September 2012 at Govt. Medical College,Bhavnagar, Gujarat.

•State Conference in Human and Applied physiology on 18th February 2012 atDepartment of Physiology, B.J.Medical college, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

•57th Annual conference of Association of Physiologists and Pharmacologists ofIndia (APPICON-2011) during 11th to 19th December 2011 at All India Instituteof Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India.

•Pre-conference Workshop on Autonomic Function Tests (AFT) and AdvancedTechniques in Vascular Functions on 14th December 2011 at All India Instituteof Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India.

•Workshop on Electromyography-Nerve conduction velocity (EMG-NCV) part I and IIon 30th November 2010 & 15th February 2011 at Department of Physiology,Govt. Medical College, Bhavnagar, Gujarat.

•Workshop on Advanced Good Clinical Practice (Adv. GCP) on 4th December 2010 atDepartment of Physiology, Govt. Medical College, Bhavnagar, Gujarat.

•Workshop on Good Clinical Practice (GCP) on 22nd June 2010 at Department ofPhysiology, Govt. Medical College, Bhavnagar, Gujarat.


Achievement Details : Best research paper award – February 2012

•Top award for paper presentation at state conference in Human and Applied physiology from over 100 research papers.

•2nd author on research paper titled “Study of Cardiac Output Based On Non–Invasive Impedance Plethysmography in Healthy Volunteers”

Teaching Experience :

Qualification :