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GMERS Medical College,GMERS Medical College


NMC Information




GOAL :  The Goal of Dentistry Department is

Ø  To teach Indian Medical Graduate some important topics of dentistry by following competency based UG curriculum given by NMC.

Ø  To provide patients quality dental care and improving MCH services.


KNOWLEDGE: At the end of clinical posting students should be able to

Ø  Enumerate the parts of the tooth and supporting structures

Ø Understand the role of causative microorganisms in the aetio- pathogenesis of dental caries

Ø Understand the role of dental caries as a focus of sepsis

Ø Understand the various causes for partial /complete loss of teeth and associated structures

Ø  Understand  the local and systemic sequel of loss of teeth

Ø  Enumerate common ways of restoring the edentulous state

Ø  Aware of malocclusion and the tissues that cause it

Ø  Understand  the prevalence of oral cancer and enumerate  the common types of cancer that can affect tissues of the oral cavity

Ø  Understand the etiological factors in the formation of precancerous /cancerous lesions.

Ø  Enumerate the common diseases that affect the periodontium and identify local and systemic causative factors

Ø Understand the role of Periodontal disease as a focus of sepsis



Ø Identify Dental caries and Counsel patients with respect to oral hygiene, diet and the direct bearing on systemic health

Ø Counsel patients on the importance of restoring missing teeth/tissues with respect to the benefits on oral and systemic health.

Ø  Identify potential pre-cancerous /cancerous lesions and Counsel patients to risks of oral cancer with respect to  tobacco, smoking, alcohol and other causative factors

Ø  Identify Periodontal disease

Ø Identify malocclusion and Counsel patients with respect to correction of  malocclusion and the role it might have on oral health  specifically on the TMJ


Department of Dentistry was established in year 2010 after the establishment of GMERS medical college. The dental wing was working since starting of General hospital.

Dept. of Dentistry is developed and flourished in various branches of dentistry. Specialized quality of treatment is offered to the patients seeking dental treatment for various dental diseases coming from Gandhinagar district and various parts of state and country along with NRI patients. Dental dept is working hard to encourage medical tourism by providing services in prosthetic dentistry, implant surgical prosthodontics, orthodontic dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, periodontics and maxillofacial trauma cases.

Dental department is organizing various dental health and evaluation program for common public and continuing dental education for dental professionals as well as staff.

Department has large, well ventilated OPD room, scrub room, separate chambers for clinical and nursing staff along with filtered drinking water neat and tidy toilets and wash room with sitting arrangement for patients. 




OPD services on daily bases provided on second floor of our Hospital.

It has daily OPD of 60-80 patients.

In the OPD there is a separate room for Dental Radiograph.  


1.     Removable and fixed dental prostheses

2.     Periodontal procedures with advanced laser surgical treatment

3.     Exodontia and oral surgical treatment

4.     Restorative and endodontic treatment

5.     Pediatric dental care

6.     Geriatric dental care

7.     Tobacco cessation therapy

8.     OSMF and precancerous lesions treatment

Infrastructure & Facilities


Fully functional well equipped six dental chairs

Three X- ray units

Prosthetic dental lab

Two RVG (Radio-visio-graphy)machines

Soft tissue Laser machine

OPG machine

Endomotor with apex locator

Staff Information

Sr No Name Designation
1 Dr Priyanka Vaibhavkumar Sutariya Professor & Head View
2 Dr Sujay Bharatkumar Shah Associate Professor View
3 Dr. Prerna Upadhyay Senior Resident View

Staff Attendance

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Subject Curriculum

Dentistry Department Curriculum


1.      Dental Caries

2.      Edentulous state

3.      Malocclusion

4.      Oral cancer

5.      Periodontal disease

Monthly Teaching Schedule

Sr No Teaching Schedule Month Teaching Schedule Short Description Teaching Schedule Date
1 Monthly Teaching Schedule Monthly Teaching Schedule 28/06/2024 View

Students Notes

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Results of Examination

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Role of Honour

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Sr No Publication Title Publication Short Desc Posted Date
1 Department Publications Department Publications 28/06/2024 Download


Dentistry Department

1.     Dr. Priyanka Sutariya Professor & Head has been awarded PhD degree in the subject of Prosthodontics by medical faculty from Gujarat university 

2.     Dr. Sujay Shah Associate Professor has been awarded PhD degree in the subject of Periodontics by medical faculty from Gujarat university 


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